RASMUSSEN - Higher Ground

Danemark - Finale de l'Eurovision 2018

Ships in the making
Bound for a distant shore
World for the taking
Men gone forever more
Boarding and setting sail
Yet victory won't prevail

Oh, freeze the arrow in the air
Make your mark and leave it hanging there
Be the first to turn around
Take the leap to land on higher ground

Call in, surrender
Still, I won't feel like defeat
Men laying down their swords
Each of their own accord

Oh, freeze the arrow in the air
Make your mark and leave it hanging there
Be the first to turn around
Take the leap to land on higher ground

Raise the banner to the sky
Face the fear and hold your head up high
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Take the leap like you were bound for higher ground

Freeze the arrow in the air
Make your mark and leave it hanging there

Freeze the arrow in the air
Make your mark and leave it hanging there
Be the first to turn around
Take the leap to land on higher ground
Be the first to turn around
Take the leap and land on higher ground

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