EMAP Vol. 2 - Ice and Longboats

Ancient Music of Scandinavia - European Music Archaeology Project (EMAP) Volume 2. This is a video related to the CD Ice and Longboats, volume 2 of a collaboration between Delphian Records, EMAP and the University of Huddersfield. The series was the idea of Rupert Till of the University of Huddersfield, created in collaboration with Paul Baxter of Delphian. Cajsa Lund is the main musical protagonist of this CD, which explored music played on reconstructions of various ancient Scandinavian instruments. The music here is not ancient, the instruments these reconstructions are based on are however ancient. Ensemble Mare Balticum as well as Ake and Jens Egavad perform the music."

viking musique reconstitution #Archéologie scandinave Instrument

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