Viking Tones #5 I Dreamt me a Dream on Pan-Pipes
Traditional Danish / Mogens Friis - I Dreamt me a Dream Musical Instrument - York pan-pipes From Wikipedia: "Drømte mig en drøm i nat" is the oldest ... -
Viking Tones #4 O, Roma Nobilis
Traditional Italian, 10th century - O, Roma Nobilis Musical Instruments - Falster-fife and drum" -
Viking Tones #3 The Fortune Teller's Prophecy
Traditional Icelandic / Mogens Friis - The Fortune Teller's Prophecy (Vølvens spådom, Völuspá) Musical Instrument - Six-hole bone flute From Wikip ... -
Viking Tones #2 I Dreamt me a Dream
Erik A. Wessberg - I Dreamt me a Dream (Drømte mig en drøm i nat.) Musical Instrument - Lyre. From Wikipedia: "Drømte mig en drøm i nat" is the oldest ...